Con i Bambini


Projects Map

Con i bambini

Con i Bambini is a non-profit organisation founded in June 2016 with the aim to realise programs from "The Fund Against Educational Poverty In Children and Youth". The social enterprise Con i Bambini is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CON IL SUD Foundation. The Fund was created in 2016 in collaboration with ACRI (an organisation…

Educational Poverty in Children and Youth

More than 1.4 million minors in Italy live in absolute poverty, including another 2,2 million who live in relative poverty. In total, one-third of minors in Italy live in poverty. The economic crisis has dramatically affected the living conditions of children and young adults. Until 2005, it was the elderly who were the poorest across…

The #conibambini Observatory

The #conibambini Observatory originated from the collaboration with the Openpolis foundation to promote a debate on the conditions of minors in Italy by examining educational, cultural, and social opportunities. Through data journalism, the Observatory has created a public database available to social workers and communication professionals, to the media and the public administration, where the…

Percorsi con i

All selected projects by Con I Bambini, as part of the Fund Against Educational Poverty in Children and Youth, can be found on the above website. The site is a space that brings attention to topics on educational poverty and shares examples of positive practices across the regions by featuring projects, sharing stories and experiences,…