What We Do

To date, Con i Bambini has published 20 calls and initiatives, selecting a total of over 400 projects throughout Italy, including dozens of initiatives and projects launched in co-financing with other bodies, as well as introducing the element of impact assessment in the management of the calls; such an important innovation was aimed at understanding the real effect of local interventions over time.

The approved projects, which have been supported with a contribution of more than EUR 350 million, involve half a million children and young people together with their families. Through the projects, more than 7,500 organisations, including the third sector, schools, public and private bodies have been networked, thus strengthening local educational communities.

In addition to calls defined by age group (early childhood, adolescence and new generations), Con i Bambini has promoted specific initiatives. Among others, witness ‘ A braccia aperte’ (With Open Arms), whereby EUR 10 million were allocated to support four projects covering the entire Italian territory in support of orphans of victims of feminicide and of foster families; ‘Ricucire i sogni’ (Sewing Dreams), supporting interventions in favour of abused children and adolescents; ‘Vicini di scuola’ (School Neighbours), a EUR 10 million grant to combat school segregation by promoting experimentation with quality schools in difficult contexts; ‘Tutti inclusi’ (All Included), a EUR 15 million grant to ensure the full participation in social and school life of minors with disabilities in conditions of educational poverty; ‘Un domani possibile’ (A Possible Tomorrow), in collaboration with ‘Never Alone – Per un domani possibile’, promoting the inclusion and autonomy of migrant minors and young people who have arrived alone in our country; ‘Con i bambini afghani’ (With Afghan Children), providing educational support, in and out of school, and promoting the inclusion of minors and families, especially girls and mothers, who have arrived in Italy from Afghanistan; ‘Cambio rotta’ (Route Change), promoting paths to combat juvenile deviance; and finally, a ‘participatory planning’ path in the areas of central Italy affected by the 2016 earthquake, which enabled the creation of 6 educational workshops.