Project Report
The objective of Con I Bambini’s Social Report is to raise awareness of the opportunities available through the Fund, and to promote all selected projects and activities carried out by the social enterprise in a transparent and accessible way.
The Report is available online and it is accessible in its complete version. The website also contains a printable version of the entire document and a summary in the Italian language.
Although the report refers to 2019, we wanted to make a clear reference to the current year and the extraordinary nature of the situation. The theme we chose, “Con I Bambini at the Window” (‘With children’ at the window), refers to the dreams and wishes of children during the Covid-19 lockdown, these being represented in over 1200 drawings received during an Instagram contest #conibambiniallafinestra. We wanted to give a voice directly to children and young people, not only as beneficiaries of the projects but protagonists in the educational community. Our goal is to make their dreams at their windows come true until their dreams become a reality for everyone. Here are some infographics with the main information.
The Social Report of 2021 is available in the Italian language on